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Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. SN1987Asubmm'arXiv © ESO 201 1 

Julys, 2011 

Letter to the Editor 

The remnant of SN 1987A revealed at (sub-)nnm wavelengths^ 

Masa Lakicevic^'^, Jacco Th. van Loon^, Ferdinando Patat\ Lister Staveley-Smith^, and Giovanna Zanardo^ 

' European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO), Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748, 

Garching b. Miinchen, Germany, e-mail: 
- Astrophysics Group, Lennard- Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK 
^ International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, M468, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia 

Accepted: 28 April 201 1 


(«_^ ' Context. Supernova 1987A (SN 1987 A) exploded in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Its proximity and rapid evolution makes it 

Cn I a unique case study of the early phases in the development of a supernova remnant. One particular aspect of interest is the possible 

formation of dust in SN 1987A, as SNe could contribute significantly to the dust seen at high redshifts. 
^ ■ Aims. We explore the properties of SN 1987 A and its circumburst medium as seen at mm and sub-mm wavelengths, bridging the gap 

between extant radio and infrared (IR) observations of respectively the synchrotron and dust emission. 
r~^ I Methods. SN 1987A was observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 3.2 mm in July 2005, and with the Atacama 

Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) at 0.87 mm in May 2007. We present the images and brightness measurements of SN 1987A at these 

wavelengths for the first time. 

Results. SN 1987A is detected as an unresolved point source of 1 1.2 + 2.0 mjy at 3.2 mm (5" beam) and 21 ± 4 mJy at 0.87 mm (18" 

'ry>j ' beam). These flux densities are in perfect agreement with extrapolations of the powerlaw radio spectrum and modified-blackbody dust 

. , emission, respectively. This places limits on the presence of free-free emission, which is similar to the expected free-free emission 

rG • from the ionized ejecta from SN 1987A. Adjacent, fainter emission is observed at 0.87 mm extending ~ 0.5' towards the south-west. 

Mh' This could be the impact of the supernova progenitor's wind when it was still a red supergiant upon a dense medium. 

Conclusions. We have established a continuous spectral energy distribution for the emission from SN 1987A and its immediate 

surroundings, linking the IR and radio data. This places limits on the contribution from ionized plasma. Our sub-mm image reveals 

complexity in the distribution of cold dust surrounding SN 1987 A, but leaves room for freshly synthesized dust in the SN ejecta. 

Cu ■ Key words, circumstellar matter - supernovae: individual: SN 1987A - ISM: supernova remnants - Magellanic Clouds - Radio 

continuum: ISM - Submillimeter: ISM 


(T^ 1. Introduction reached dense circumburst regions around day 6000 and the re- 

Cn| suiting increased radiation is observed at all frequencies (Dwek 

^.f^ Supernovae (SNe) and their remnants (SNRs) are important ^^ ^j 2010' Zanardoet al 2010) 

— _i sources of matter and momentum to a galactic interstellar ■■-,,. -i ' i • ■ r . • j- • ■ • r 

,. /Toivj\ J .u • . r if • 1 1 J While the emission from the immediate vicinity ot 

^ • medium (ISM) and the main creators or chemical abundances r,xTi«o-,« ,■ ^ ■ ■ , , ■ , , 

t — ^, u \.u IT • rr, oM 1 ■ £ ■ . SN 1 987 A at radio trequencies IS duc cxclusively to sy nchfotfon 

i«. throughout the Universe. The SN explosions ot massive stars are ,. . ..^^ •,, , r, , , 

^D , , ,• 11 • , , r J . -.u .• . radiation arising from magnetized plasma (see Zanardo et al. 

_^ also a potentially important source ot dust, with estimates rang- ^n^n r ■ ^ i -j • i- j /TV.^ • • 

^"H . c rvT/iAj c J ./T-> .-irvrvTw u i 2010 tor an overview), the mid-intrared (IR) emission is at- 

__! ing from 0.2^ Mq ot dust (Dunne 2003) to much lower mea- ., , .c ,^ ^Vt .c / i-,^T^/r.o^ ■ • . 

'— ' ^ . , ° , , , /c J . . 1 'innr,\ T-u f A tributed to a few lO"*" Mq of warm (~ 170 K) RSG dust in the 

■ ■ sured amounts < 0.01 Mo (Sandstrom et al. 2009). These kinds ... ,_ , , ^„„,\ . , , », j- 

J. ^ 1- . J 1. oMr. c .1 equatorial ring (Bouchet et al. 2006). As much as ~ 1 Mq ot 

ot measurements are complicated, because SNRs are frequently ,./ ^r,T^?j i i j j • rr ; 7- j 

, ^ , .^ J- J ^ 1 J / NT An ■ .u T 1VJ/-1 cold (~ 20 K) dust has been detected in Herscnel images, and 

witnessed to hit surrounding dust clouds (e.g., N 49 in the LMC . , , ■ , j- i , i • , • i • j- 

interpreted as having been treshly-synthesized in the ejecta ot 




J, . -van Loon etaL 2010 OtsukaetaL 2010). cxt TnoTA /a/t . ' . ioaii\ 

tj . r„, --n^Tir-oTA • 1 T AT 11 ■ ^1 J SN 1 987 A (Matsuura et aL 20 1 1 ) 
Cq The remnant of SN 1987 A in the Large Magellanic Cloud 

■ ■ ' (LMC) is one of the most studied SNRs thanks to its proximity ^he as yet unexplored sub-mm and mm portion of the 

(^ 50 kpc) and early stage of (rapid) evolution. Its progenitor is electro-magnetic spectrum offers an additional avenue to probe 

believed to have been a red supergiant (RSG) in a binary sys- *e coldest dust and to possibly reveal additional sources of ra- 

tem, prior to becoming the blue supergiant that was witnessed ^^i^^i""- ^e present here the observations of SN 1987A at 0.87 

to vanish (Barkat & Wheeler 1988, and references therein). Its "™ ^"^ ^.2 mm, constituting the first detections of SN 1987A at 

circumburst environment has been studied in great detail, re- wavelengths 0.35 < A <8 mm. 

vealing a dusty equatorial ring ~ 2" in diameter (Bouchet et al. 

2006) with two fainter isomorphological rings - but offset from 

the former - on either side of SN 1987A. The light echo from 2. Measurements 

SN 1987 A has been used to probe the surrounding ISM (Xu, 

Crotts & Kunkel 1995). The blast wave from SN 1987A likely We retrieved unpublished data obtained with the Atacama 

Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) from the European Southern 

* Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) archive, and re-analysed data obtained with 

Observatory, Chile (ESO N° 78.F-9034). the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) that have not 

Lakicevic et al.: SN 1987A at (sub-)mm wavelengths 


o°36°'00' 3;5"45' 35"'30= 35"M5= 35 
Right Ascension (J2000) 


Fig.l. APEX image of SN 1987A at 345 GHz/0.87 mm, ob- 
tained in May 2007. The position of SN 1987 A is indicated with 
a cross; the beam is drawn in the upper left corner. 

previously appeared in the refereed literature. The position of 
SN 1987A is (RA 5^35'"28.0^ Dec -69°16'11"). 

2.1. APEX observations at 0.87 mm 

SN 1987 A was observed with the APEX with the Large Apex 
Bolometer CAmera (LABOCA) at a wavelength of 0.87 mm 
(345 GHz, with a bandwidth of 60 GHz) on 30 May 2007. 
The total on-source integration time was 2 hr. The field that 
was imaged in raster-map mode (to fill the spaces between the 
295 bolometer array elements) subtends 15', centred on (RA 
5''35'"16.8^Dec -69°15'00"), and the beamsize has a full-width 
at half-maximum (FWHM) of 18". 

The data were reduced using the Bolometer array Analysis 
(BoA) software, following standard sub-mm calibration proce- 
dures. The individual raster-map scans were first corrected for 
attenuation by the Earth's atmosphere, signal calibration factors, 
and response variations across the bolometer array, and the volt- 
ages were then converted to flux densities using the conversion 
factor determined from measurements of planets during com- 
missioning of the APEX. Then, a series of 20 K-cr clipping iter- 
ations were performed to remove noise spikes that deviate from 
the mean by more than k x cr (with k > 4), taking known bad 
channels into account. The individual maps were then combined 
into a single image. The image was smoothed with a Gaussian 
kernel of cr = 1 pixel, i.e. an FWHM of 14", using the Munich 
Interactive Data Analysis Software (MIDAS), and the resolution 
of this image is thus 23". 

The resulting image is shown in Fig. 1. SN 1987A is clearly 
detected, though it sits at the extremity of a fainter, elongated 
structure extending ~ 0.5' towards the south-west. Part of a 
molecular cloud complex fills the North-East corner, while a 
rim of clouds in the south-east may be associated with the large 
Honeycomb SNRB0536-69.3 (Chu et al. 1995). We used the 
center/moment task to measure the flux density of SN 1987 A 
from a Gaussian fit to be 2 1 ±4 mJy. Attempts to measure the flux 
density using different software suggest an accuracy of ~ 10%, 
but the highly structured background leads us to adopt a more 
conservative value of ~ 20%. The MIDAS task that we used 

also returned a value of 16" for the FWHM, which is in fair 
agreement with the angular resolution, lending support to the 
detection of a point source at the position of SN 1987 A. 

2.2. ATCA observations at 3 mm 

SN 1987A was observed with the ATCA on 11-12 July 2005, 
with the 3-mm receiver in two frequency bands, one between 
93.45-93.56 GHz (peak reception at 93.49 GHz) and another 
between 95.5-95.6 GHz (peak reception at 95.57 GHz). The ob- 
servations were carried out with the most compact antenna con- 
figuration, H75, with an on-source observing time of ~ 8 hr. 

The bands were reduced simultaneously using standard pro- 
cedures within the miriad software, and ultimately merged. 
Firstly, the signal was corrected for elevation-dependent attenu- 
ation using up-to-date antenna reconfiguration files with the task 
ATFix. The phase stability and antenna tracking were investigated 
and found to be mostly within 0.2-0.5 mm and (typically) 0.3- 
0.6" to (occasionally) ~ 3". Data obtained during tracking errors 
of > 3" were flagged as bad, with the task uvflag. Secondly, 
the task mfcal was used to calibrate the bandpasses and phase 
ofi'sets against observations of the primary reference sources 
1921-293 (at the start) and 1253-055 (at the end), and the 
phase variations against regular observations of the secondary 
reference sources 0637-752 and 0454-810. Absolute flux cal- 
ibration was achieved using the task imfboot against an obser- 
vation of the planet Uranus. The flux calibration appeared reli- 
able at a 10-20% level. Thirdly, the signal as function of base- 
line in the uv plane (visibilities) was inverted using a standard 
fast-Fourier transform with the task invert, where the visibili- 
ties were weighted according to the noise variance (i.e. system 
temperature) but otherwise uniformly across a 1-arcminute field 
chosen to effectively suppress the sidelobes. A multi-frequency 
synthesis approach was taken, producing an image at 94.5 GHz 
(3.2 mm) with an rm.s. noise level of 2.0 mJy beam"'. This 
map was cleaned with the tasks clean and restor, employing 
a Hogbom scheme (Hogbom 1974). The resulting beam has an 
FWHM of 5.0" X 4.7" in RA and Dec. 

The calibrated image is shown in Fig. 2 (left), where 
SN 1987 A is clearly detected as an unresolved source at a level 
of 11.2 + 2.0 mJy. The other intensity peaks in the image are 
much dimmer and unlikely to be real astrophysical sources. 

3. Discussion 

3.1. Bridging tiie IR and radio spectral energy distributions 

The APEX 0.87 mm and ATCA 3.2 mm detections bridge a gap 
of a factor > 20 in wavelength. They conjoin the far-IR emission 
detected up to /I = 350 jum (Matsuura et al. 201 1) attributed to 
thermal radiation from dust grains, on the one hand, and the ra- 
dio emission detected down to A - 0.8 cm (Potter et al. 2009) at- 
tributed to synchrotron radiation from free charge in a magnetic 
field, on the other The full spectral energy distribution (SED) is 
plotted in Fig. 3, where the IR data comprise groundbased near- 
and mid-IR, and Spitzer observations published by Bouchet et 
al. (2006), AKARI observations published by Seok et al. (2008), 
a Spitzer 70-jum upper limit published by Dwek et al. (2010) 
and Herschel observations published by Matsuura et al. (201 ifl 
The radio data solely comprise ATCA observations, published 
by Manchester et al. (2005), Potter et al. (2009), and by the most 
up-to-date summary at the longest wavelengths by Zanardo et 

The 500-/jm datum is an upper limit. 

Lakicevic et al.: SN 1987A at (sub-)mm wavelengths 

SN19B7A at 3.2 mm 




• ** V 


*#o ^ 

J' -. 


f , * • • , 


.i* ^** 


B 1 InHIi I hi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J- 

|6 CD 

- - 2 

5''35™3a= 30' 

26" 24" 

Right Ascension (J2000) 

SN19B7A at 0.87 mm 


5°35'"34= 32'= 30' 28=^ 26" 24" 

Right Ascension (J2000) 

Fig. 2. Left: ATCA image of SN 1987A at 94.5 GHz/3.2 mm, obtained in July 2005. The synthesized beam is drawn just next to it. 
Right: Unsmoothed APEX image of SN 1987A at 345 GHz/0.87 mm, shown on the same scale as the 3.2 mm image. The beam is 
drawn centred on the exact position of SN 1987A; the inset is a schematic of the ring structures seen in HST images. 

Fig. 3. Spectral energy distribution from the IR (Bouchet et 
al. 2006; Seok et al. 2008; Dwek et al. 2010; Matsuura et al. 
2011) to the radio (Manchester et al. 2005; Potter et al. 2009; 
Zanardo et al. 2010), including our first measurements at sub- 
mm (APEX) and mm (ATCA) wavelengths. Overplotted are 
modified blackbodies to represent two dust components, two 
steep radio powerlaws to represent synchrotron radiation, and 
two shallow powerlaws to represent free-free radiation. Cyan 
and magenta curves represent the sum of all emission for the 
2004-5 and 2007-10 period, respectively, with residuals plotted 

al. (2010). In Fig. 3 we group these measurements into either 
of two sets, as close as possible in time to the APEX or ATCA 
3.2-mm observations, respectively. This is because both the IR 
(Dwek et al. 2010) and radio (Zanardo et al. 2010) brightness 
has been observed to be steadily increasing in recent years. The 

Herschel measurements were only taken in 2010, three years af- 
ter the APEX measurements. 

Concentrating on the (sub)-mm region of interest, the far-IR- 
sub-mm emission is represented very well by a modified Planck 
curve of thermal dust emission: 

Ff oc By{T)^"''■, 


for a dust temperature T = 18 K and coefficient q-ir - -1.5. The 
mid-IR emission can also be matched with thermal dust emission 
by employing an identical ffiR but different T - 170 K and a 
total emitting grain surface of 10"^ that of the cold component. 
While more detailed models for the mid- and far-IR emission 
have been presented elsewhere (Bouchet et al. 2006; Dwek et al. 
2010; Matsuura et al. 2011), this parameterization is consistent 
with those results and enables a simple decomposition of the 
overall SED. 

The mm-dm radio emission is very well matched with a 
powerlaw with a coefficient typical of synchrotron radiation: 



A value for ffiadio ~ 0.75 during 2004-2005 produces an excel- 
lent fit to the 3-21 cm data, as well as our new measurement at 
3.2 mm, a decade higher in frequency. This renders the mea- 
surements by Manchester et al. (2005) somewhat "too" faint. 
Likewise, for the period 2007-2010 a value for ffradio ~ 0.7 
fits the 3-21 cm data well, but again the higher frequency da- 
tum published by Potter et al. (2009) lies below an extrapolation 
of this powerlaw component. Given the difficulty in radio in- 
terferometry of conserving flux at the longest baselines, we are 
tempted to believe the 3.2-mm datum is consistent with a pure 
synchrotron component. In particular, we do not feel the need 
to invoke either mm emission from dust (cf. Bot et al. 2010) or 
free-free emission from a hot plasma. 

With regard to the latter, we can set meaningful limits on the 
contribution from free-free emission: 




where ajj x 0.1, unless it becomes optically thick - but this typi- 
cally happens at wavelengths » cm or it reaches the high-energy 
limit - but that is not the case at IR-radio wavelengths. In fact. 

Lakicevic et al.: SN 1987A at (sub-)mm wavelengths 

Fig. 3 demonstrates that the free-free contribution is limited by 
the near-IR data (that may include contributions from hot dust 
and/or atomic line emission), though in recent years it may have 
become more pronounced and have reached levels that become 
significant precisely at mm wavelengths. The excellent descrip- 
tion of the SED by the cold-dust and synchrotron components 
leaves room for only a fraction of the measured flux density at 
0.87 mm to arise from any additional component; in the most 
extreme case, ~ 2 mJy at 1 mm is caused by free-free emission. 
Since the 0.87 mm datum is positioned on the well-constrained 
tail of the modified Planck curve, there is little room for varia- 
tions in its slope to affect the estimation of the limit on free-free 
emission, Matsuura et al. (20 11) consider temperatures up to 22 
K but in combination with different aiR. 

To gain a notion of the physical implications of this limit 
on the free-free component, we present an example calculation 
here. Radiation transfer through a plasma can be written as 

where the optical depth is 

Tv = 8.24x IQ-^T-^-^^v-^-^Ec 



where flie continuum emission measure E^ - J n+rig ds with the 
density « measured in cm"^ and the pathlength s measured in pc. 
The solution to the radiation transfer equation is 


re"^'dv = r[l-e^-] 


in the isothermal case (constant T), where the brightness tem- 
perature is defined as T\,^y = c^Iy/(2v^k). At high frequencies, 
lim^.^o 7^b,v = TTy. Considering 1 M© of ionized ejecta within 
a region of dimensions ~ 0.1 pc, i.e. a density n+ ~ «e ~ lO'* 
cm"-*, and a temperature T ~ 10"*"* K, one obtains an estimated 
rb,300GHz ~ 0.1 K. With the ejecta subtending ~ 0.1" on the sky, 
this corresponds to /^jooghz ~ 1 mJy. This has a very similar 
magnitude to the limit we set on the free-free component. The 
shock-ionized plasma mass associated with the equatorial ring 
is estimated to be only ~ 0.06 M© at densities of lO"'"'* cm"-* 
(Mattila et al. 2010), and its free-free emission is thus expected 
to be two orders of magnitude fainter than in the above scenario. 

3.2. The location and origin of cold dust around SN 1987 A 

The APEX images at 870 jjm. and Herschel images at 250 /im 
have an identical resolution, i.e. superior to that of the Herschel 
images at 350 and 500 fim (beamsizes of 25" and 36", respec- 
tively). While we clearly confirm that most of the detected cold 
dust (T X 18 K) appears to be concentrated within a region 
«: 23" (5 pc) across, our APEX image reveals diffuse emis- 
sion to the south-west of SN 1987 A, which is not visible on the 
Herschel images, but which coincides with an emission filament 
seen in //ST images (cf. Fig. 1 in Matsuura et al. 201 1). We dub 
this the "S-W plateau". We also note that in the unsmoothed 
APEX image (Fig. 2, right), the brightest pixels are slightly 
off'set to the north-east from the exact position of SN 1987A|3. 
These observations leave open the possibility that the 18-K emis- 
sion arises from part of a larger dust complex, in radiation equi- 
librium with the ambient interstellar radiation field. 

^ Curiously, the orientation of this symmetry is very similar to that of 
the ejecta seen in recent HST images. 

A shell of 4.5 pc radius surrounding SN 1987 A was postu- 
lated by Chevalier & Emmering (1989) to explain a light echo 
signal. They suggest that it marks the place where the wind of 
the red supergiant progenitor is decelerated by the pressure in the 
surrounding medium. Crotts et al. (2000) detected [N ii] emis- 
sion from a region that would mark the overlap between this 
shell and the S-W plateau. They also detected emission from a 
region at the opposite side of SN 1987 A, and Doppler shifts of 
the line emission suggested the shell expands at a rate of 10-15 
km s ', commensurate with the wind of a metal-poor red su- 
pergiant (cf. Marshall et al. 2004). We may have detected emis- 
sion from the same structures as seen in [N ii], with the APEX at 
0.87 mm. That no such structures are seen in the more sensitive 
ATCA image at 3.2 mm suggests that it is more likely to be dust 
emission (a < 0) than free-free emission (a > 0). 

That said, the flux density associated with the point source 
at the position of SN 1987A is consistent with the 18-K dust 
component conjectured by Matsuura et al. (2011) to be due 
to freshly-synthesized dust in the ejecta from SN 1987A. To 
show this we employed a modified blackbody of spectral index 
aiR = -1.5, which is typical of interstellar dust and therefore 
does not require "exotic" types of grains or "anomalous" emis- 
sion mechanisms. 

4. Conclusions 

The first sub-mm (APEX at 0.87 mm) and mm (ATCA at 3.2 
mm) observations of SN 1987 A that we presented here give a 
first valuable insight into the dust distribution that surrounds the 
more compact remnant area. These data bridge the gap in the 
SED between the previously detected far-IR emission from dust 
grains (at A < 0.35 mm) and radio emission from synchrotron 
radiation (at A > 0.8 mm). They do not deviate from extrapo- 
lation of the far-IR and radio SEDs, respectively, and we set a 
limit on the contribution from free-free emission from a plasma, 
which is close to the estimated contribution from the ionized 
ejecta from SN 1987 A. Scheduled high-resolution 3.2-mm ob- 
servations with the ATCA will improve these constraints. 

While the 3.2-mm image (5" resolution) is point-like the 
0.87-mm image (18" resolution) also reveals emission from cold 
dust towards the southwest, which may be an interaction region 
for the RSG progenitor's wind and a dense medium. The (sub)- 
mm observations presented here provide a valuable guide for 
preparing high-resolution observations with the Atacama Large 
Millimeter Array (ALMA), which may settle the question as to 
the origin of the cold dust that is detected at far-IR (Matsuura et 
al. 201 1) and sub-mm (this work) wavelengths. 

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dr. Thomas Stanke for advice on the 
reduction of the archival APEX data. ML acknowledges studentships from ESO 
and Keele University. We thank the referee, John Dickel, for the positive report. 


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